Prepare Wheat halwa

Ingredients :

100g wheat
500g sugar
2 tbsps. Nuts (sliced fine)
� tsp, colour
1 tsp. vanilla essence
75g ghee

Preparation :

Soak wheat in water for 24 hours. Wash the wheat well and grind using a little water to a fine paste.

Soak the paste in 250 ml water. After 12 or 14 hours, carefully discard the clear thin water which appears now and then on the top.

Pour the thick solution on a clean muslin cloth till 400ml milky solution is obtained.

Take a pan, dissolve the sugar in a cup of water and boil till thick syrup is formed.

Add wheat-milk, nuts, colour and essence and stir continuously. When the mixture starts thickening add ghee a little at a time.

Cook for about 30 minutes, stirring and adding ghee, till halwa appears to get rubbery and collects in the center of the pan.

Transfer to a plate when done. Please note that the halwa should be cooked over slow fire throughout.

Posted By: Leayana, UK.


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